
couple sitting in their livingroom looking over paperwork together


世界环境日标志美国心脏协会是10月10日第一个DAF日的启动合作伙伴, 2024! 捐助方建议基金日庆祝捐助方建议基金(DAF)的巨大影响,并帮助提高对灵活性的认识, 非常高效。, and strategic giving they offer for donors like you.

daf提供了一个简单的, 省税的捐赠方式, 使您可以轻松地支持您最喜欢的事业,同时最大限度地发挥您的慈善捐赠潜力. 在DAF日, 我们鼓励您考虑您的捐赠方式如何能够继续帮助推动我们的救生工作进入我们的第二个世纪的影响和超越.

Make a Grant from Your Donor Advised Fund


捐助者建议基金, 或者是, 是否像一个慈善投资账户,其唯一目的是支持你所关心的慈善机构. 当你投入现金时, 证券, or other assets to a donor advised fund, you are generally eligible to take an immediate tax deduction. Then those funds can be invested for tax-free growth, and you can recommend grants to virtually any IRS-qualified public charity.


访问您的捐款人建议基金. 方便地登录您现有的捐赠者建议基金账户,开始向美国心脏协会捐款.



为您的账户注资: To establish your donor advised fund, you make an irrevocable contribution—which could include cash, 股票, 房地产等等.

Receive an immediate tax deduction: When you contribute to your donor-advised fund, 您可能有资格申请联邦和/或州所得税的逐项税收减免. Because donor advised fund sponsors are public 慈善机构, your donation is considered a tax-deductible charitable contribution. The amount of the deduction will depend on several factors, including the type of asset 捐赠d and how long you have owned it. 这种安排可以让你在对你有意义的时候计划你的礼物,并向你最喜欢的慈善组织推荐赠款, like the 美国心脏协会, 在未来的任何时候.

个性化您的DAF帐户: As you establish your donor advised fund account, you can structure it in a way that best meets your charitable goals. You can name your donor advised fund anything you would like; appoint friends and family members to help you manage the responsibilities of your DAF; and design a legacy plan to determine what will be done with your DAF assets beyond your lifetime, which may include appointing successor advisors or charitable beneficiaries.

Invest your DAF assets for growth: You can recommend an investment strategy for the assets in your donor advised fund account. The assets in your DAF are invested following your recommendations. 任何投资增长都是免税的, giving you the potential to create even more money for grantmaking.

Support your favorite 慈善机构, now or in the future: As soon as your donor advised fund is established and funded, you can recommend grants to the charitable organizations closest to your heart. You can make single or recurring grants, either with recognition or with total anonymity.

现在就用你的钱做一件礼物吧: Donors may recommend grants at any time to qualified U.S. 慈善机构. Typically, a grant check accompanying a letter will be sent to the recipient organization. 这封信是根据捐赠者的指示定制的,也可以注明特殊目的, such as “In honor of” or “In memory of …”.

创造一份遗产礼物: 当您创建或更新您的基金时,您的捐赠建议基金中剩余的供款的最终分配可以被指定. By simply completing the beneficiary designation form assigned to your fund, 您可以指定您的基金的继任顾问或特定的慈善机构来接收您的基金余额的一部分.

Resources to Help You Make Your Gift

Download a complimentary one-page guide about donor advised funds.

Donor Spotlight: Eric and Autumn Edwards

Some people have a calling so strong that it simply cannot be ignored. 在里士满, 弗吉尼亚人埃里克·爱德华兹, that calling was to help people and felt an inexplicable draw to the medical field. After several experiences shadowing various physicians while in high school, 这一召唤让他加入了当地的救援队,高中一毕业就成为了一名急救医生,同时他还在弗吉尼亚联邦大学攻读医学学位. Working in and studying the emergency medical field, 他亲眼目睹了心肺复苏术和紧急药物输送方法在生存链中的重要性.

这一认识不仅激励埃里克成为一名心肺复苏术教练,为他所在社区的人们提供教育, 这也促使他在医学院短暂休学,在那里他和他的双胞胎兄弟合作创办了一家制药公司,随后发明了一种用于治疗过敏性紧急情况(过敏反应)的肾上腺素注射装置,以及一种用于治疗过量服用阿片类药物的紧急注射器. 埃里克不仅完成了医学院的学业,还获得了药学博士学位, 同时继续乘坐救护车,并作为医疗主任支持培训其他高级生命支持提供者.

During his calls as a first responder, Eric was exposed to the most vulnerable patients in need of life saving care, 他经常遇到血压不受控制的人,以及其他健康问题,这些问题直接源于获得医疗保健的不平等. In addition to the health disparities he encountered through his profession, 埃里克和妻子奥特姆都曾在自己亲密的家庭和朋友圈中被心脏病所感动. 他们的父亲都很痛苦, 然后从, 大量的心脏病发作,当他们当时公司的一位密友兼雇员在出差途中死于心脏骤停时,他们的世界震惊了. “When it’s personal and happens to a loved one,” said Eric, “it’s different. 它让一切变得真实.”

When just a few years ago they were approached to get more involved with the AHA in Richmond, 埃里克再次响应号召去帮助他人,他带着这个机会来到了秋天. 尽管一开始有些犹豫,因为作为三个十几岁孩子的父母,他们的工作日程非常繁忙, 秋天在船上. “No wasn’t even a choice,” she said. “We felt like the work of the AHA was so important, it felt like perfect timing.两人头朝下扑了进去, 从埃里克目前的药品制造公司获得了一份为期三年的公司礼物,该公司专注于社区的血压教育. 这对夫妇随后担任了2022年里士满心脏舞会的主席,并希望确保他们以身作则,领导社区. “We wanted to play a significant role,” they said. 因此,他们开始探索各种选择,为竞选活动做出个人贡献. 当他们的财务顾问提出DAF(捐赠者建议基金)的概念时,他们并不熟悉,但很感兴趣. “There were a lot of great reasons to consider giving through a DAF,” said Eric. 除了税收优惠, they enjoyed knowing that through a DAF, their gift would be invested and would increase over time. “有什么比通过一个允许我们的贡献超过最初投资的过程来展示我们对我们真正相信的事业的承诺更好的方式呢?.“他们还特别感兴趣的是能够就资金的用途提出建议, in their case in funding research and addressing health disparities in their community.

The Edwards say they would highly recommend others to look into giving through a DAF. “这个过程很容易做到, 无缝的, and it’s a unique way to have a greater impact that just a single gift.”



You can create a donor advised fund using the following assets:

  • 现金
  • 赞赏证券
  • 退休计划资产
  • 房地产


For more information about 捐助者通知资金, please email (电子邮件保护) 或致电888-2227-5242.

美国心脏协会 税务识别号: 13-5613797